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  Домашний : МСЭ-R : Information : Часто задаваемые вопросы
Сектор радиосвязи (МСЭ-R)  
Часто задаваемые вопросы


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N001 [Why should the frequency assignments be notified to the ITU?]
N002 [What is the Master International Frequency Register (MIFR)? ]
N003 [When is there no need to notify?]
N004 [Which assignments are to be notified?]
N005 [In what units are frequencies to be notified?]
N006 [Which frequency assignments have to be notified individually?]
N007 [When should notification of frequency assignments be submitted to the Bureau?]
N008 [Is the recording in the Master Register a straightforward action?]
N009 [What else should the Administration do once the frequency is recorded?]
[The recording in the Master Register does not mean an end of activities of the notifying administration in respect to the concerned frequency assignment. The notifying administration should remain in close cooperation with the licensing authority and any change in the characteristics of the concerned assignment has to be notified to the BR, so as to reflect them in the Master Register, if necessary after additional coordination with the administrations of countries concerned. Furthermore, notifying administrations should remain in close contact with the monitoring authority so as to check whether the concerned frequency assignment is operated in compliance with the notified characteristics and whether other elements (e.g., frequency tolerance) are kept within the limits prescribed by the Radio Regulations. Notifying administrations should also initiate appropriate monitoring programs with a view to detecting any operational or technical irregularities in the operation of frequency assignments from other administrations, and to initiate appropriate actions in this regard, so as to ensure interference-free operation for stations under its jurisdiction.]
N010 [I want to notify an assignment to a VHF FM sound broadcasting station. Which notice should I use?]
N011 [I want to notify an assignment to a television station. Which notice should I use?]
N012 [When should notice TB1 be used?]
N013 [When should notice TB2 be used?]
N014 [When should notice TB3 be used?]
N015 [When should notice TB4 be used? ]
N016 [When should notice TB5 be used?]
N017 [I have to authorize the installation of a new FM sound broadcasting or television station in an unplanned band. What should I do?]
N018 [I want to notify an assignment to a fixed station. Which notice form should I use?]
N019 [I want to notify an assignment to a base station. Which notice form should I use?]
N020 [ I want to notify an assignment to a mobile station. Which notice form should I use?]
N021 [I want to notify an assignment to a typical station. Which notice form should I use?]
N022 [When should a station be notified as a typical station?]
N023 [I have to authorize the installation of a new FM sound broadcasting or television station in a planned band. What should I do?]

Если вы не нашли ответ на ваш вопрос, направьте его в Бюро радиосвязи по следующему адресу: brmail@itu.int


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Обновлено : 2010-08-23